Parents As Teachers (P.A.T.) - Appropriate Developmental Information
Goals of personal visits:
- Increase parent’s feelings of confidence and competence as teachers of their child.
- Increase parent’s knowledge of child development
- Increase parent’s observation skills
- Provide opportunity for parents to apply knowledge
- Prepare parents for what’s coming next
The Family Room Lending Library and Resource Center
Bring your family to enjoy the books, toys, and other resources provided while visiting other families, parent educators, and volunteers in the warm, home like atmosphere.
Screenings in overall development, language, hearing, and vision are yearly or upon request. The goal of a screening is to provide parents with information on the individual growth of their child and the early detection of potential problems that may effect later learning. For more information call (618) 262-4623 or (618) 263-3044.
Project C.A.R.E.S. Staff
Family Resource Room
(618) 263-3044
(every Tues. 9am to 11am First General Baptist Church)
Program Coordinator - Chris Brown
(618) 263-3044
Parent Educators - Chris Brown Telisa Laws
(618) 263-3044
Pre-School For All Lead Teacher - Cindy Yonaka
(618) 262-4623
Parent Coordinator - Mary Nuckolls
(618) 263-3044
Director of Instruction - Shelley Richardson
(618) 262-5104